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Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I know if solar is right for my home or business?

A: The best way is to contact one of our representatives for a free, no-obligation site evaluation. You may also estimate the size, cost, and savings of a new system using a solar estimator. At this time, solar power technology has achieved a point in its development where almost any building has enough roof or ground space to generate sufficient electrical power to meet the needs of all or most of its occupants.

Q: How long do solar electric systems last?

A: Because solar electric systems are made from high-impact tempered glass, have no moving parts, and require very little maintenance, they can operate for 20-30 years — paying back the initial investment many times over!

Q: Do your solar systems come with a warranty?

A: Yes. In the event that something ever does go wrong, all of our photo-voltaic panels come with a 25-year manufacturer’s warranty. In addition, Sunrise Energy covers all other parts of the system — including roof mounts, conduit, and every last nut and bolt — for 10 years.

Q: Do I have to pay for the system up front?

A: That depends on your method of financing. For more information about financing options give us a call at 916-791-2426.

Q: How long will it take to pay for itself?

A: Again, that depends on your method of financing and the size of your current utility bill. Most systems pay for themselves within 5 years or less.

Q: What are the key components of a solar power system?

A: There are five basic components:

1. Solar Modules convert sunlight to electrical power. The modules are mounted to aluminum frames attached to the roof of a home or commercial property or ground-mounted on a piece of land close to the site.


2. The Inverter (or power converter) converts the direct current (DC) produced by the solar modules to alternating current (AC), the same type of electrical power supplied to homes and businesses from the utility grid.


3. Power travels from the inverter to the breaker box, or electrical service panel, where it is then distributed throughout the home or business for use.


4. When the solar electric system produces more power than you are currently using (for instance during a work day at a residence or over the weekend at a business), the excess electrical power will flow into the grid through a special bi-directional utility meter, effectively causing the meter to run backwards and generating a credit with the utility company that will offset future usage. This arrangement is known as net metering.


5. The utility grid is the state and national infrastructure that links homes and businesses to electricity-generating assets. The grid automatically provides electricity when household or business demand exceeds solar production.

Sunrise Energy is a locally owned, family operated business.

Everyone from our employees to our clients become a part of the Sunrise Energy Family.


Give us a call today for your solar, heating, and cooling needs: 916-791-2426


License No.: 977486


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